English Language
Learning a
new language, it’s a challenge, in our era, the technology brings us the
facilities to study any language that we want in every moment that we want, and
even cheap or free. And it’s necessary for everyone who wants to study or work
outside the country. Like English, that’s why the university teach us.
Personally, I don’t really learn too much English, but the class serves to
remember important words and phrases. About the use of blogs, I think that it’s
very good to express your vocabulary and knowledge, also you express your
opinion and feelings about a topic. I enjoyed some blogs, but others I hated it
because it’s a different vocabulary, specifically a “scientific” vocabulary, which
I don’t have domination, and it’s hard, there are a lot of word that I can’t
even translate in “science papers”. Personally, I don’t really like to write a
lot, and it’s hard to me to express myself in a camera, or with a person, I prefer
to read than write. Some aspects of my English to get better are for example,
my pronunciation, and the only way is having a conversation, or recording
yourself, read papers and translate important words that I don’t know. Outside
the English class, I only listen to music in English, I don’t watch series
(with subtitles obviously). Rarely watch a video in Youtube in English and I
don’t read or play games in English. I didn’t even expect to do less in
English, because it was one of my preferred subjects in school. That must change!
I like watch series en english, so I feel that the logic of the series don't change like when they are translated into Spanish.